Band of Brothers
Have You Surrounded Yourself with Guys That You Trust?
For almost 20 years, a core group of men have met regularly on Saturday mornings in the Atlanta area to connect and challenge each other. We meet every Saturday in a large group setting, both to re-create the environment of the Weekend Retreats that we host and to provide a safe place for men to reinvestigate the Gospel of the Kingdom of God (the same Gospel Jesus preached).
Men who attend for the first time realize that they have left the world of "Sin Management" and have entered into an environment where they discover that they actually MATTER to God. It is a place where Sons return to the Father. As a band of men, we get to participate in that Malachi 4 initiative of "turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers."
The real test of a Band of Brothers is this: do men feel more energized when they leave than when they came? ... and do they come out of duty or delight? The idea of a Band of Brothers provides a different slant on the kind of men’s group that most of us have grown accustomed to. What makes BANDO different is the two-pronged approach of assembling a group of men who share two things: 1) friendship and 2) mission. Having one without the other almost guarantees either a shallow experience within the group or... an early demise.
Our mission, as we believe we have received it from God, is to awaken men to More Life Through a Transformational Relationship with Jesus… and to use our weekend retreats and workshops as a venue for equipping men to live their lives in a sustainable rhythm by taking their place ‘in Christ’. What is worse than the typical 'mountaintop experience' if there is nothing in place to sustain the change that has begun? Picture a rubber band, stretched to the max for an entire weekend. Left to itself it will return to it's original shape. Many BANDO members have attended 6-10 weekend retreats with us and are heavily involved in coaching small groups, leading intercessory prayer efforts and telling their own stories to men in our large group gatherings on the weekend. Some men are new and are interested in what God is up to. It is this Band of Brothers that is so essential to the success of Four Streams Partners. Many partner with the ministry and the group operates much like a militia (as opposed to a hierarchical military chain of command). This militia works together to fight for the hearts of men. And they fight for each other. There is nothing like having another man in your foxhole who knows your story and who can see your God-given glory.
In addition to our primary weekly BANDO meetings, we've also generated 8-10 smaller groups of men who meet regularly together to continue "doing life" as a community of believers in partnership with Four Streams. Click below to get involved!